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In: Alcohol Addiction Rehab

All About the Twelve Steps

If you compare the number of people with a drug or alcohol addiction to those struggling with cancer, you will find...

drinking too much

Could You Be Drinking Too Much, Too Often?

Drinking alcohol has been part of many cultures around the world and dates back thousands of years, maybe even as far...


Helping Someone with Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a serious illness that can severely disrupt the lives of individuals and families. It can strain...

Why People Consume Alcohol

In today’s society, alcohol seems to be everywhere. Alcohol is on TV, in movies, advertisements, social media, restaurants and at parties....

The Long-Term Effects of Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Addiction can cause short- and long-term effects on the body. Short-term effects may be easier to manage and overlook, but long-term...


DUI and DWI are acronyms that mean the same thing in some states, while in other states, they are different offenses....

Psychiatrist vs Therapist

Have you ever wondered about the terms psychiatrist vs. therapist? Perhaps you think that they are just used interchangeably and that...

Alcohol Tolerance

Alcohol tolerance refers to the body’s response to prolonged exposure to liquor, its ability to both metabolize liquor, as well as...

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

We often hear people asking the questions: Am I experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms? How do I know if I am going...

Alcoholic Dementia

People who consume large amounts of alcohol are three times more likely to have dementia by age 65 than people who...