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Is Xanax Addictive?

Xanax is at the heart of prescription drug addiction problems in the United States. Every day, thousands of people ask, “Is...

What Is Rehab Like?

Addiction is a common problem among men and women alike. Also, there are addiction centers in every state and most major...

Mental Health Awareness Month

The number of people with a mental disorder of some kind is more significant than most people might expect. We’re not...

How to Stop Drinking

If you’re wondering how to stop drinking, chances are you’re having some problems related to alcohol abuse. These issues could surround...

Alcohol Awareness Month

Alcohol is one of the most pervasive and destructive drugs currently on the market. You can buy it anywhere. Because many...

Lonely and worried girl sitting alone on a chair looking out a window.

Self-Injury Awareness Day

Updated on 2/6/2023 March 1 represents Self-Injury Awareness Day (SIAD), an international awareness day that is dedicated to learning about behaviors like...

Difference Between Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab

Every individual who enters rehab does so with a unique set of circumstances. For that reason, top addiction treatment facilities like...

How are Alcohol and Depression Linked?

Depression is a common, yet serious condition causing sorrow for two or more weeks. Presently, the National Institute of Mental Health...

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

The holly jolly holiday season is over. New Year’s Day has come and gone. Thus, you’re likely working on your resolutions....