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In: Addiction Treatment Los Angeles

Free Drug Rehab Centers In Los Angeles

Casa Palmera Does Not Offer Free Treatment However, you may be in luck! With some of the recent changes to insurance,...

30 Day Inpatient Rehab

An Overview of the Casa Palmera 30 Day Inpatient Rehab One of the distinguishing features of Casa Palmera’s 30 day inpatient...

Types Of Drug Abuse

Different Types Of Drug Abuse People can abuse any substance, medication, compound, or drug that induces either altered states of consciousness,...

Cocaine Withdrawal

When detoxing from cocaine, you may experience a wide range of cocaine withdrawal symptoms. As such, getting off the drug does...

Detoxing from Alcohol

The longer you drink alcohol, the more your body forms a tolerance to it. As a result, you must increase your...

Alcoholic Dementia

People who consume large amounts of alcohol are three times more likely to have dementia by age 65 than people who...

Heroin Side Effects

Heroin side effects can have a devastating impact on a person’s life. Whether it’s an overdose or an addiction, heroin abuse...

Types of Addiction

Addiction is a chronic disease that is characterized by ongoing substance abuse and behavioral patterns. While there are different types of...

Signs of Heroin Addiction

You’ve been dabbling with heroin use. You do it for the euphoric high. Now you wonder if you’re experiencing the signs...

The Holistic Approach

Each person is unique, so it is important to find the right treatment program for addiction. For many people, a holistic...